Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Milestone Announcement: Metal Devastation Radio and Metal Devastation PR Surpass 12,647,200 Views! - @thebeast

🎉 Devastation Milestone Announcement 🎉

Metal Devastation PR and Metal Devastation Radio are thrilled to announce the latest stats for April 2024!  We have a devastating achievement, a total of 12,647,200 views to our site with no less than 391,330 views from April alone! This success demonstrates what we give the underground bands and how we promote the metal community.

We truly appreciate all of your visits to our blog and for listening to our internet radio station! You are a big part of why this success came to be.

Also, special thanks go to the bands, music magazines, record labels, managers, marketing agencies, radio stations, etc. that we work with. Your business and support of underground metal culture is everything. Solidarity 666%

Let's keep the momentum going and see what May brings us! 🤘 #MetalDevastation #UndergroundMetal #MilestoneAchievement

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