Tuesday, October 20, 2020

SUICIDE OF SOCIETY - "War Investment" Thrash Metal from Germany - @thebeast

SUICIDE OF SOCIETY - "War Investment" MDD Records DIGITAL | CD Release date: 09/10/2020 Celebrating the tenth anniversary of their live activity, "War Investment" is not just the band's debut album, but almost a "best-off" that contains the best material from their turbulent history, with Suicide of Society delivering straightforward thrash metal of the old days, with audible roots from the German and American pioneers of this genre.  The album was recorded and produced last year at Anatoli Kalyuk's Credge Audio Studios, who delivered a sound that perfectly transports the feeling of the "old times" into this modern age. Links: https://mdd-shop.de/de/search?page=search&page_action=query&desc=on&sdesc=on&keywords=suicide+of+society https://www.facebook.com/SuicideOfSocietyThrash

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