Monday, April 22, 2024

New Promo: Yevabog Unveils New Release: "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning" - @thebeast

Release Date: April 26th 2024

FFO: Behemoth, Batushka, Krimh

Location: Seattle, WA USA


Yevabog Unveils New Release: "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning"

Prepare to immerse yourself in the dark and melodic world of Yevabog as the solo project of Joel Hackett unveils its latest release, "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning," set to drop on April 26th, 2024.

Emerging from the depths of Seattle, WA, Yevabog brings a fusion of melodic blackened death metal that captivates listeners with its intense atmosphere and haunting melodies.

For fans of Behemoth, Batushka, and Krimh, Yevabog offers a sonic journey into the abyss, combining elements of brutality and beauty in equal measure.

Joel Hackett, the mastermind behind Yevabog, found inspiration for this release from an unexpected source. "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning" by the Smashing Pumpkins kept resonating with him as a song that could be transformed into his unique style, and thus, it became the centerpiece of this new release.

Joining Joel on drums is Robin Stone, who previously collaborated on Yevabog's album "Between Two Fires," adding an extra layer of intensity to the music.

"The Beginning is the End is the Beginning" marks a new chapter in Yevabog's sonic evolution, promising an unforgettable journey through the shadows and echoes of melodic blackened death metal.

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Between Two Fires by Yevabog

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