Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Corey Taylor On Kanye West’s $200 Album: “People Can’t Afford Their F***ing Apartments for F***’s Sake. It’s Not Right.” - @thebeast

  In a conversation with Metro , the Slipknot star said the following: “It’s like releasing all the parts for a car and sending them to people’s houses and going there, you got a free car, now you’ve got to figure out how to build the goddamn thing. “You’re assuming that the audience has the access and same technology that you have but you’re a f***ing moron for doing that. “Are you serious? It doesn’t work that way. The thinking that that’s a smart thing to do just shows you how convoluted and off the f***ing property Kanye West really is.” Specifically speaking to the price tag associated with   Donda 2 , Taylor said, “People can’t afford their f***ing apartments for f***s sake. It’s not right.” Taylor called West’s decision “pompous and ridiculous,” while also adding that if Slipknot did such a move, they would be “demonized.” Corey Taylor added, “But I guarantee people are looking at him like he’s a genius, and it’s like for f***s sake, pull your head out of your a**, put it on CDs and just f***ing give it to people.” What are your thoughts on Kanye’s decision to release his new record via a Stem Player, as well adding a $200 price tag to it? Either way, Slipknot is hitting the road soon and   you can grab tickets via this link.

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