Friday, January 1, 2021

New Promo: Mons Ignifer - Infra-Nocturnal Darkness - (Heavy Metal) - @thebeast

Mons Ignifer's "Onkalo" is an album that is a mixture of traditional metal and post-metal with thrashy, groovy and atmospheric elements. Mons Ignifer represents itself more or less as a modern day crossover-metal band. An alternative choice to anything too familiar. Dramatic, melodic and dark, yet a bit aggressive. "Onkalo" is an album where a hint of Black Sabbath and Black Metal meets fluently as piece of a musical experience, among other elements. The album length, almost 40 minutes is a proovement that abstract metal can still be alive in 2021. "Onkalo" is the hole in the ground or a hole in a soul. "Onkalo" is the darkness that fills, and the loneliness that kills... "Onkalo" means frustration and pain, yet hope and acceptance of weakness, that after all keeps the soul quiet and sane. "Onkalo" is the home of existance - echoes of something distant but familiar. Mons Ignifer is Guitar/Vocals - Lizky Drums - Bizze Bass - Mr. Burns Mons Ignifer as a band took originally its first steps on earth, rising from the remains Janispetkes & Mustatsaappaat. The band which came second on "Suomen paskin bändi" band contest in 2016. A lot of riffs and ideas on Mons Ignifer songs are also from that time 2016-2017, that were leftovers from the very limited Janispetkes demo called "No Shit 'til Saturday". Mons Ignifer started officially in august 2018, with a little triangle and a name, posted on the very first Instagram-post on the account @mons_ignifer_band. Before that, the band - mainly being Lizky on guitars and Bizze on drums - had parted ways with its first bass player Markus. First single called 'Plastik Heaven' was recorded already in November 2018 and released on the Finnish national day of culture, 'Kalevalan päivä' 28th February 2019. By the time Mons Ignifer was a two piece. Mr. Burns came along to play bass the same year in the summer. A big part on Mons Ignifer's sound is engineered originally by the recording, mixing and mastering guru Vesa Viitanen, who has his own recording studio called Napalm To Thy Face prod. In September 2019 while starting to record "Onkalo" album, Mons Ignifer released their second single called 'Silvery Tongue Devil'. Also the first gig under the name was played during that time in Bar 15, in tje City of Seinäjoki. First single from the debut album was reöeased already in December 2019, and it was called 'After the Never'. A song with somewhat differing sound as it turned out to be melancholic, yet mellow and serene. Of which a music video is also available. After two gigs and a live-stream Mons Ignifer released its fourth digi-single called Perfect World on March 2020.. During the same time the music video was shot, and released in May 2020. As being a complicated year to remember for a mass of people, Mons Ignifer kept being busy working on the Onkalo album. Finally the fifth single of the band and third from the debut album Onkalo came out again on September, with a release gig once again in Bar 15, in the City of Seinäjoki. Mons Ignifer's debut album "Onkalo" will be released in the beginning of 2021. Follow the band at these links: Spotify  Tidal YouTube  Web-site:  Facebook  Instagram  Gikker live

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